仲 衿香 Solo Exhibition「What are we __ for?」

ⒸTezuka Productions

仲 衿香 Solo Exhibition
「What are we ______ for?」
6.10 (Sat.) – 6.24 (Sat.)  2023
12:00 – 19:00  (closed on Mon.)

この度、SH GALLERYでは 仲 衿香の個展 「What are we ______ for?」 を開催致します。

今回の展示「What are we ______ for?」は、仲 衿香と”ブラック・ジャック”とのコラボレーション展示になります。
マンガ家・手塚治虫先生が晩年を過ごした東京都東久留米市に「ブラック・ジャック」のキャラクターをデザインしたマンホールがいくつかあり、そのマンホールを仲 衿香の独特なタッチで表現した作品を中心に展示致します。


今回の展示タイトル「What are we ______ for?」の由来は、マンガ「ブラック・ジャック」の「ちぢむ!!」という話の中に出てくる、「医者はなんのためにあるんだ」というセリフのオマージュです。
「What are we ______ for?
– 仲 衿香 –

SH GALLERY is pleased to present “What are we ______ for?”, a solo exhibition by Erika Naka.

The exhibition “What are we ______ for?” is a collaboration between Erika Naka and “Black Jack”.

There are some manholes in Higashi Kurume City, Tokyo, where the manga artist Osamu Tezuka spent the last years of his life, with designs of the “Black Jack” characters, and this exhibition focuses on the manholes, which are expressed with Naka Erika’s unique touch.

Original 2.5D prints, with contributions by Naka Erika, will also be available for sale, and we look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition.

One of Osamu Tezuka’s many famous works, the manga Black Jack, will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2023. In this solo exhibition, I will be showing works inspired by this book. This is a work that I have loved since I was a little girl so I am very happy to be able to be part of it this time.”

The exhibition title “What are we ______ for?” comes from the manga “Black Jack”, which pays homage to the line “What are we doctors for?” in the story “chijimu! from the manga “Black Jack”, which is a tribute to the line “What are we doctors for?”.

This line questions the meaning of a doctor’s existence, but I felt that it is a phrase that is received differently depending on the changing times, such as recession, war, earthquake, and the development of AI, as well as the situation in which I find myself.
‘What are we ______ for?’
The exhibition is an attempt to once again consider the meaning of existence of one’s own livelihood.
– Erika Naka –

仲 衿香  Erika NAKA

ⒸTezuka Productions

” – 仲 衿香 – 


絵具を支持体に厚塗りにのせて描くと、絵具が自分の予想を超えた動きをする瞬間があり、 自分と支持体の間に“ズレ”が生まれ、思い通りにならないそのズレにこそ、 魅力を感じています。

若手アーティストとして、絵画の可能性を探求し続け、伝統的な絵画形式 を打ち破り、「瞬間性」と「偶然性」を直接的に表現し、主体性を排した画面の絵具の厚さや積み重ねられたグラデーション、柔らかくクリーミーな 質感は強い視覚的なインパクトを与えるだけでなく、無限なる好奇心と想像を掻き立てています。

仲 衿香 CV

” I am cutting out the logo in front of me right now like a diary and putting it into a painting.
New styles, buildings, technologies, and ways of expression are born every day, but on the other hand, there are things that are declining or being lost.
The things that are right in front of us will not be right in front of us one day.
Sometimes we may notice the value of those things after we lose them, and other times they may be completely forgotten.
I wonder how my work will look differently in a few tens or hundreds of years. “
– Erika Naka 

Naka uses fragmented logos, natural landscapes, and familiar objects from daily life as visual elements in her paintings, and reconstructs shapes that make abstract meanings visible.

When I paint with a thick layer of paint on a support, there is a moment when the paint moves beyond my expectations, and a “gap” is created between myself and the support.

She believes that the attraction comes from the fact that things don’t turn out the way she expects.

As a young artist, she has continued to explore the possibilities of painting, breaking through traditional painting forms to directly express “instantaneity” and “coincidence”.

The thickness of the paint, the layered gradation, and the soft, creamy texture of her subject-less paintings not only have a strong impact on the viewer, but also inspire infinite curiosity and imagination.


ブラック・ジャック  Black Jack

ⒸTezuka Productions


『ブラック・ジャック』シリーズの主人公であるハードボイルドな外科医で自らも医師である手塚治虫のある意味では分身とも言えるでしょう。彼が問いかけ続ける「生命とは何か」あるいは「人としての幸福はどこにあるのか」という疑問こそが、手塚マンガのテーマでありありました。そのわりには「(最初に描き始めた時は)あの向こう傷はおろか、顔の色が違う点や時代遅れの蝶ネクタイにマントのいでたちだったり、なぜ大金をとるのにあんなオンボロ小屋に住んでいるのか? ということなんか、これっばかりも理由を考えなかったのです」(『漫画全集 18巻』あとがき)と手塚治虫自身が語っているように、役柄同様、本人の生い立ちも恵まれているとは言えないのが可哀相ではあります。とはいえ、アトムと並ぶ人気キャラクターに育ったのですから、とても幸せな役者人生だとも言えるでしょう。

ブラック・ジャック キャラクター

引用 : 1) TEZUKA OSAMU OFFICIAL https://tezukaosamu.net/jp/character/647.html

This manga by Osamu Tezuka, a manga artist with a medical licence, depicts his dream of becoming such a doctor.
Despite being an unlicensed doctor, Black Jack has genius surgical skills and performs operations that are said to be impossible,
He demands huge rewards from patients he saves.
However, he constantly questions what a doctor is, the sanctity of life and what is more important than money, and confronts society itself.

In a sense, he is the alter ego of Osamu Tezuka, the hard-boiled surgeon and doctor himself, who is the main character in the Black Jack series.The questions he kept asking, “What is life?” or “Where is happiness as a human being?” were the themes of Tezuka’s manga.
However, as Osamu Tezuka himself says, “When I first started drawing him, I didn’t even think of the reason why he had a different coloured face, or why he was dressed in an old-fashioned bow tie and cape, or why he was living in such a shabby house for so much money” (The Complete Works of Manga, Vol. 18, Afterword)), As Osamu Tezuka himself said, “It is a sad thing that he is not as blessed in his own background as he is in his roles.Nevertheless, he has grown up to be as popular a character as Atom, so one could say that he has had a very happy character life.

Black Jack Characters

References : 1) TEZUKA OSAMU OFFICIAL https://tezukaosamu.net/jp/character/647.html